Podiatry Associates

Essential Summer Foot Care Tips

Summer Blog Podiatry

Summer is here, and while it’s the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors, it’s also crucial to take special care of your feet during these hot months. Whether you’re walking on the beach, around the pool, or exploring during vacation, your feet are your foundation. Here are some essential summer foot care tips to keep your feet healthy and happy.

  1. Wear Appropriate Shoes

Wearing the right shoes can prevent foot pain and heel pain, which are common complaints during the summer. The right footwear provides support and protection, reducing the risk of injuries and discomfort.

Tips for Proper Shoe Selection

  • Opt for Breathable Materials: Choose shoes made from breathable materials like mesh or canvas to keep your feet cool.
  • Look for Good Arch Support: Sandals with arch support can help prevent foot pain but we also encourage wearing properly fitted tennis shoes when doing sight-seeing or long walks.
  • Avoid Flip-Flops for Long Walks: While they are convenient, flip-flops offer little support and can cause foot pain if worn for extended periods.
  • Change out of Damp or Wet Socks: To prevent fungal infections, it’s imperative you keep your feet dry. That means changing out of wet or even damp socks from water or even sweat.
  1. Be Mindful of Hot Concrete

Hot concrete can cause burns and blisters on unprotected feet. It’s essential to be cautious, especially if you’re walking barefoot or wearing thin-soled shoes.

Tips to Protect Your Feet

  • Wear Shoes or Sandals: Always wear protective footwear when walking on hot surfaces. Patients sometimes don’t realize how hot a surface is on their feet until it’s too late and they have blisters. Be cautious.
  • Check Temperature: Before heading out, check the temperature and choose your footwear accordingly.
  • Stay in the Shade: Whenever possible, stick to shaded areas to avoid direct contact with hot surfaces. This will not only help protect your feet but overall skin health as well.
  1. Properly Manicure Your Toenails

Proper toenail care can prevent infections and other foot problems. Well-groomed toenails also contribute to overall foot health and appearance.

  • Trim Regularly: Keep your toenails trimmed to avoid ingrown nails.
  • Cut Straight Across: Cutting straight across helps prevent ingrown toenails.
  • Moisturize: Use a moisturizer to keep the skin around your toenails soft and healthy.
  1. Moisturize Your Feet

Keeping your feet moisturized prevents dry, cracked skin, which can be painful and lead to infections. Moisturized skin is more resilient and better protected against the elements.

  • Use a Good Foot Cream: Apply a rich foot cream daily to keep your feet soft and hydrated.
  • Focus on Heels and Soles: These areas tend to dry out the most, so give them extra attention and moisturize daily.
  • Avoid Lotion Between Toes: Excess moisture between the toes can lead to fungal infections.

Taking care of your feet in the summer is essential for preventing foot pain and maintaining overall foot health. By wearing appropriate shoes, being mindful of hot concrete, properly manicuring your toenails, and keeping your feet moisturized, you can enjoy the season without any foot-related issues.

If you have any concerns or experience foot pain, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with Dr. Herbst. Our office can provide personalized podiatry tips and help you maintain healthy feet year-round.

Protect your feet and step confidently into summer!