Podiatry Associates

Diabetic Foot Care: Neuropathy

Diabetic Foot Care: Neuropathy

One of the most common ailments diabetics are facing today is neuropathy in the hands and feet. Neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes and for some this may be very mild however; others could face neuropathy that is more debilitating. Neuropathy in the feet or hands affects over half of all diabetics today. Diabetic Neuropathy occurs when high blood sugar levels begin to cause injury and decay to neurons. High blood sugar glucose levels will cause damage to blood vessels that nourish the body with oxygen and other nutrients. Typically, the first neurons to be affected are the sensory neurons in our hands and feet, being the first affected it is important to seek medical advice to get control of the symptoms.

Peripheral Neuropathy is the most common and is believed to affect over 50% of all diabetic people. If not properly tended to, neuropathy can accelerate and move from the hands and feet to the internal organs, even affecting muscle function.

There are a few key symptoms to look out for regarding the early stages of Peripheral Neuropathy. If you are experiencing a feeling of numbness, tingling or burning in the hands or feet this is a strong sign of neuropathy. During the early stages, you may notice symptoms coming and going, often during the night. As the neuropathy progresses, symptoms may occur more regularly throughout the day, and you may start to experience constant numbness or loss of feeling in the area.

Diabetes is the number one cause of neuropathy, but it is treatable. In rare cases if caught early, neuropathy can even be cured. If the neuropathy is caught too late and unable to be cured, then the steps in treatment are aimed to manage symptoms and preventing any further damage to surrounding tissue.

Have A Plan:

If you are experiencing pain that can be described as numbness or tingling in your hands or feet you may be in the early stages of neuropathy. Podiatry Associates of Florida, San Jose Division can help you in any stage of neuropathy. From identifying the problem and putting in place a treatment plan that works for you. Don’t go on alone on the road to healing your neuropathy, set up a consultation with Dr. Brad Herbst today.