Podiatry Associates


Diabetic Foot Care: Neuropathy
Achilles Tendon Relief with Podiatry Associates of Florida – San Jose Division
Achilles Tendon Conditions

Understanding Diabetes Foot Care and Podiatry

If you are a patient with diabetes, you know that managing your condition is an ongoing process. A key part of this process is understanding how to take care of your feet. Diabetes can affect the nerves, circulation, and healing abilities in the feet, leading to foot problems such as

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Diabetic Foot Care: Neuropathy

Diabetic Foot Care: Neuropathy

One of the most common ailments diabetics are facing today is neuropathy in the hands and feet. Neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes and for some this may be very mild however; others could face neuropathy that is more debilitating. Neuropathy in the feet or hands affects over half

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Achilles Tendon Relief with Podiatry Associates of Florida – San Jose Division

Is It Time to Seek a Physician for Your Achilles Tendonitis?

There’s likely never a day when you don’t use your feet. Even for people who are less active, foot care and foot health are essential. Seeking the help from a Podiatrist when pain begins can prevent bigger problems from occurring. Achilles Tendonitis is one of those injuries where early treatment

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails are more common than most people think and often more painful, too. Patients might experience swelling, infection, redness, or pain in their toes. It’s a condition where the corner or side of the toenail grows into the flesh. Some ingrown toenails can be remedied at home but it’s

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3 Helpful Tips to Avoid Nagging Foot Injuries in Sports

Northeast Florida is filled with year-round youth sports programs and several gyms in every community. With sports activities often come foot injuries. Dr. Herbst at Podiatry Associates of Florida, San Jose Boulevard Division, sees athletes young and old who have either injured themselves from a one-time incident or allowed a

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What are sports injuries?

We live in an area where youth sports take place year-round and people of all ages stay very active running, biking, and doing aerobic activity due to the warmer temperatures we experience. The year-round activity leads to excessive training which can also lead to sports injuries. These types of injuries

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What are hammertoes?

A hammertoe is a toe that develops into a painful lump, making it difficult to walk. They usually occur on the smaller toes and typically swell, get red and might even cause a burning sensation. Hammertoes can also develop corns, which are hard calluses on your skin. Over time, the

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What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a complex and very painful disease that can affect patients of all ages. Symptoms include aching pain, swelling, inflammation in your feet and ankles, tenderness, redness or heat in the joints and even limitation in movement. Patient education is important and treating arthritis may include physical therapy, medication

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Achilles Tendon Conditions

What are Achilles Tendon Conditions?

Achilles tendonitis is a common condition. The Achilles is the largest tendon in the body. Achilles tendonitis occurs when the large tendon that runs from the calf to the heel bone becomes irritated and inflamed. The Achilles tendon can withstand great stress; however, it is particularly prone to develop inflammation,

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